Plateau Valley Medical Clinic
in Mesa & Collbran Colorado
Provider schedules in Collbran and Mesa Colorado
Plateau Valley Medical Clinic has two locations where you receive friendly, personal care...
- Collbran appointments: 970-487-3565 M-F 9:00-5:00
- Mesa appointments: 970-268-5054 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00-5:00
- On call: 970-248-0222 Our providers are available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
We are accepting NEW patients who reside within the Plateau Valley Hospital District.
- Most appointments can be scheduled in less than a week!
- Get your blood draws done locally!
- We bill most insurance companies, including Rocky Mountain HMO, Medicare, Medicaid, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Maps/Directions to Plateau Valley Medical Clinic
in Collbran & Mesa Colorado
PV Medical Clinic Provider's Schedules in Collbran & Mesa Colorado
Appointments: 487-3565 (Collbran) 268-5054 (Mesa)
Schedules are subject to change
EW=Dr. Erika Woodyard, BH=Beth Hedstrom, DB=Deborah Borrego
Note: DB on call Tuesdays, other providers rest of week
EW=Dr. Erika Woodyard, BH=Beth Hedstrom, DB=Deborah Borrego
Plateau Valley Medical Clinic, Ancillary Health Services, and Hospital District
Medical Clinic
After Hours: 970-248-0222
Providers are on call 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
Collbran Appointments: 970-487-3565
Collbran Office Hours: M-F 9:00-5:00
Mesa Appointments: 970-268-5054
Mesa Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00-5:00