Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Attendance: Board: Steve Bryson, Don Mease, Mike Simons, Robert Hassell.& John Polhemus.
Staff & Consultants: Shannon Currier, Jessi Clark Dr. Woodyard & Deborah Borrego.
Others: No public present.
- ROLL CALL: all present.
October 24, 2023 Regular Meeting
- Motion 1: Don Mease motioned that the Board of Directors approves the minutes of the October 24, 2023 regular meeting as presented. Robert Hassell seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- BUDGET HEARING - The budget hearing opened at 1720 with no public present. Budget was presented. Budget hearing closed at 1729.
Medicare reimbursement will likely decrease by about 3.47% in 2024. The final decrease is still being debated by Congress. If Medicare decreases all other commercial insurances will decrease also as their reimbursement rates are tied to the Medicare rate. This was discussed in the Budget Hearing portion.
Financial Report – the budget was presented earlier in the meeting. Financial reports were sent via email to the Board members for review prior to the meeting. No questions were raised from the reports. Shannon also gave an update on the conference she attended.
- Motion 2: Mike Simons motioned that the Board of Directors approves the payroll and accounts payable checks (#55299-55329) and the October contractual adjustments in the amount of $15,721.63. John Polhemus seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Motion 3: John Polhemus motioned that the Board of Directors approves the July contractual adjustments in the amount of $20,038.62. Don Mease seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Nothing presented.
Nothing presented.
Collbran Clinic
Mesa Clinic
- Provider Report. – nothing presented.
- District Administrator Report
- Christmas – There was discussion on whether the Board wanted to do anything for the staff for Christmas.
- Motion 4: Mike Simons motioned that the Board of Directors approves giving bonuses to the staff using the same methodology as done in past years. John Polhemus seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Compensation Committee – There was discussion whether any adjustment was needed to be made to the wage scale due to inflation.
- Motion 5: John Polhemus motioned that the Board of Directors approves a 3% adjustment to the wage scale. Don Mease seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- December meeting – There was discussion of whether we need to reschedule like normal in years or not. Due to the changes that may be upcoming for the deadlines, it was decided to keep it at the regularly scheduled time and change it if we find out we need to.
- Board threshold for voting on expenses – There was discussion of the threshold limit of $1000 before Jessi must seek a board vote for expenses, other than regular operational expenses, and whether it needs to be increased. It was decided to keep it as is and if we need to change it later the Board can vote on it then.
- SDA membership – There was discussion of our continuation as a member of the Special District Association.
- Motion 6: Mike Simons motioned the Board of Directors approves the expense for the 2024 Special District Association dues. Robert Hassell seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Computers – A proposal from ITS for 5 computers for this year’s allotted replacement was discussed.
- Motion 7: Robert Hassell motioned that the Board of Directors approves the proposal to purchase 5 computers from Information Technology Solutions. Don Mease seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Phone System – tabled until December meeting.
- Dictation System – tabled until December meeting.
- Internet – Starlink was installed the week before the meeting. It is working well but IT is still working on a couple kinks.
- Signage – A proposal was submitted from McDell Publishing and was reviewed.
- Motion 8: John Polhemus motioned that the Board of Directors approves the proposal for the signs. Don Mease seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Land Acquisition Committee - The committee presented a couple options for land purchase in Mesa. The ideal location would involve working with the school and Ute Water to subdivide a piece of land south of the RV park. The committee will continue to work with those entities to see if it is feasible while also exploring some of the other options.
- Annual: Schowalter
- 3 Month: Black
- Motion 9: Don Mease motioned that the Board of Directors accepts the evaluations of the employees and approves the raises applicable. Robert Hassell seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- EXECUTIVE SESSION – Contract negotiation brought forth at the meeting by Dr. Woodyard.
The Board of Directors entered into executive session at 1829 per §24-6-02(4)(e), C.R.S. for determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators. Meeting reconvened at 1843.
- Motion 10: Mike Simons motioned that the Board of Directors approves a broader use of the providers’ CME allowance to include other trainings that may be relevant to their employment other than that which is needed for license renewal to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Robert Hassell seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Motion 11: Mike Simons motioned that the Board of Directors adjourn the meeting at 1850. Robert Hassell seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessi Clark, District Administrator